I’ve experienced some pretty gnarly events in my lifetime. Some of the ones I would even have courage to share online would be the ex-boyfriend who tried to strangle me one New Years Eve because I said I didn’t love him. Another would be another ex-boyfriend who stalked me by calling and hanging up multiple times a day, and then would drive by my house to see if I was home and to see who I was with. A lot of these situations have hardened me. I’ve developed some pretty strong walls, I’ve learned to live rather emotionless at times because it was so much easier than feeling scared or anxious or frightened or sad or hurt, and at this point in my life it’s pretty frustrating. Especially since I've learned that life is too short to live in a fog of nothingness. I'd rather hurt than be numb.
The main problem is that whenever I am upset about something the feelings bottle themselves up. I try ever so hard to cry, to scream, to get angry and throw things … but none of it happens. The tears dry up, the emotions get swallowed down even more and I feel even worse. The walls go up and it’s becomes hard to decipher what the feeling/emotion is. It gets even harder to try and talk to someone about it. There have been many a times that I’ve gone to see a therapist or college counselor and I spent a majority of the time sitting there not saying anything much. The words just get caught in my throat, in my stomach and when I try to force them out they freeze. Then my brain goes blank and I can’t tell you why I’m upset, much less what’s going on in my head.
It’s always been so much easier to write it out, however, even trying to get them down on paper is hard lately. I think it comes back to me being hard on myself. I get angry or frustrated or sad by my current new situation, and then I feel guilty and selfish for feeling that way and I try my hardest to swallow it down. Not the best way to deal with it, I know.
Last night was one of those nights. I sat there feeling horribly down, and angry and I couldn’t tell my fiancé why. I felt the walls go up and I couldn’t stand being near anyone. So I slept out on the couch with the cats for a good majority of the night until I could relax a bit and crawl back into bed. I still couldn’t quite get it out this morning. I still can’t fully pick it apart. But I do know that one thing that has pushed me into this funk is that I just feel lost.
I don’t feel like I am who I used to be. I most definitely don’t live the life that I used to, but I don’t get the opportunity to be who I used to be either. I left my sister and my friends all behind. I work from home and I can’t seem to find anyone that I feel I can be myself around. It’s not that I feel that I’m being fake but, more I feel like I can’t be me. I don’t even know if I’m making sense, but this is my effort at trying.
I miss having a beer and watching a game with my guy friends. I miss having saki and sushi after work with my girl friends. I miss watching Paula Deen with my sister. I miss going to the bar or going to a party and socializing with people who enjoy drinking and socializing. I miss being able to have a dinner with people who will eat their food and not whine or throw fits. I miss joking around and I miss being able to be sarcastic around people. I feel pretty isolated here, and I don’t quite know how or where to go to try and feel comfortable again. It never occurred to me before that part of my anger and frustration was because of this.
I’ve tried talking about this with my fiancé once before. He suggested girls night out, except the girls that I know up here wouldn’t have the girls night out I’d imagine. The girls I know are either far wilder than I or far too conservative. I really hated living in Southern California, but I really loved the friends that I had there. I feel like I can be myself with my fiancé, but we don’t get much of a chance to have time to ourselves lately, especially with Jane only wanting two of the three boys visiting. The night he proposed to me was our first night out alone in a long time.
I kind of come down hard on myself about this. I remind myself all the time that “This is the choice you made, deal with it.” But I know that’s most definitely not the way to deal with it either. It goes back to trying to learn to balance things I guess (Struggling To Merge My Two Lives).
I know that this is just a funk that I’ll probably hit from time to time. But does it ever suck to hit it, and not be able to talk about it out loud. I look forward to being able to have a fun night again soon.
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5 years ago
I must admit i feel much of what you feel at times, although i seem to have diarrhea of the mouth when i'm angery...and trust me that's just as bad as not saying anything. I'll find myself saying to the hubby, "do you realize i don't ever do anything with my friends anymore" and then when he tells me to go out, in the very next breath i'm saying "but i want to 'go out' and show off my family!" i've found when i'm in those moods there's just no pleaseing me. I want to have 'me time' with my friends and i want to have 'show off my family i've worked so hard for time' too. good luck, you're not alone.
I understand you completely! There are days/weeks where I go through that. It is like an ebb and flow. Somehow you manage to figure out what it takes to curb those feelings but it takes time. Just know you are not alone!
i miss being able to leave for a weekend at the drop of a hat. i miss the idea of moving to a different city, even if i never do. i miss the ability to pick up my roots and move somewhere new. i miss making holiday plans without checking with five different people, and then cancelling my plans because someone else (who gave birth to a child) made plans and didn't tell anyone.
i've been thinking about a post, but there are too many details that are specific to the situation that would give too much information. i want to vent about it, but i don't feel i can. i might be sending you an email shortly =)
i'm sorry you're going through this. i'm feeling the same feelings. things are different, sacrifices are being made, things i never thought of, feelings i never knew i had, things i didn't think were important suddenly are. a friend suggested a girls night in as well. it's not that. i can't pinpoint it, either.
i hear ya, sister.
I'm sorry you're going through that. Even though it's not quite the same thing, I can relate. I went through a period after moving here where all I could think about was what I missed back in Ohio, even though I hated living there. I found it helped to find something that was just for me. It seems like everything you do is selfless... working, taking care of the boys, etc etc, but don't feel bad to take a little time out each week for yourself. I can imagine it would be tough to do, but it might help. (If you need a nanny, I'll be employable in June... haha.)
I can empathize with you. A lot. Considering all the changes, both geographically and emotionally you've been through I think it is normal to be a bit emotional (regardless of how your emote : )
wait, this is weird. Are you living my previous young life? I used to feel the same way, and would ALWAYS write shit down. Do you have a mother? We need to chat. I MEAN IT.
email me. vodkamom@gmail.com
We have all been where you have been so take heart! Keep writing to get your feelings out and remember, we are walking this walk together!
This is almost exactly what I was feeling this weekend. I was whining to my boyfriend that I just can't seem to make any friends that like to do the stuff I do, that I can really relate to and I'm wondering is it me???? Although it sucks that you are feeling this way, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
"The main problem is that whenever I am upset about something the feelings bottle themselves up. I try ever so hard to cry, to scream, to get angry and throw things … but none of it happens. The tears dry up, the emotions get swallowed down even more and I feel even worse. The walls go up and it’s becomes hard to decipher what the feeling/emotion is. It gets even harder to try and talk to someone about it."
I deal with this very same thing. And it is HARD. Hang in there, Honey.
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