Monday, March 9, 2009

Recharging On the Mountain

This last week was not ideal. I can’t even really remember what started the domino effect of crappy happenings. The earliest I remember was Middle Boys crying fit over nothing except the fact that he just didn’t take a good nap. Then it rolled into the shit hittin the fan at work. Not necessarily that I was in trouble, but that I had a lot of trouble to deal with. With the help of Facebook changing their layout design, children on spring break and causing a ruckus on my forums and online communities, and then my work computer keyboard deciding to just die ... it was not a fun week.

But I did get to recharge a bit. Although not in an ideal, alone away from the boys, type of way that I would love (like the spa!). We decided that we all needed to get out of the house, especially I who had not really gotten out in far too long.

We decided to go hiking out at Point Reyes State park out here in Nor Cal on Saturday. It was a beautiful day and perfect hiking conditions – Sunny, beautiful with a slight breeze. We did a warm up lap around the Earthquake Trail. The trail is basically a big mile long loop, but it runs next to the San Andreas fault that is marked with big blue posts. There’s also a fence right up next to it that was jerked apart during the major 1906 earthquake up in these part. The kids thought it was pretty neat. The park also set up little kiosks with information about the earth’s plates and earthquakes in kid-friendly language so they liked to stop and read from there too.

Then we decided to hike up a mountain side. My fiancé and Older Boy were all about it. Younger Boy and I brought up the rear and Middle Boy hovered between both of us. Although he realized that you got to rest more if you hiked up front because from time to time you’d stop to wait for Younger Boy and me to catch up within a reasonable distance. It was beautiful. I actually didn’t mind being Younger Boy’s hiking buddy. It meant that I got to go slow and steady and drink in the nature around us. And since he held my hand the entire way he helped to balance me out as we climbed up the incline.

He also talked my ear off the entire way. I don’t know how he had the energy to talk the entire hike up and hike up, but he did it. It was entertaining. At one point he decided that we were trains. I guess this could be in reference to me telling him that we were like Thomas the Tank Engine going up a hill. Either way, it worked and provided entertainment.

YB: I’m pulling you Crys.
Me: Are you Thomas?
YB: Yes, and you’re a freight car!
Me: Oh OK, then I want to be Annie.
YB: Ha ha, You’re a freight car!

He also talked about macaroni and cheese and French fries at Red Robin, pooping and farting, and the horse that we saw. A lady was riding her horse down the side of the mountain, it was pretty neat.

It took up about an hour to go a mile and a half up the side of the mountain. We decided to cut the hike short and turn around at that point. It took us about half an hour to get back down. Younger Boy was so proud that he hiked that mountain all by himself. Usually when we go hiking he asks for one of us to hold him when we get near the end, but he did it all by himself and got a big high five for it.

I really loved being out in the forest though, even if was on the side of a mountain. It was beautiful. Here are some photos I took along the hike.

I really loved these little flowers. There weren't many of them as they grew one or two stalks here and there. But they were beautiful.

The scenery

I love trying to catch the tops of these trees. It's enchanting to gaze up at.


Yo said...

ramona threw a fit yesterday. it was a nice one. she had no reason to that i could see. and pete? right there, but for some reason missed ALL of it. she was hiding in a corner, then she was hiding under the coffee table wiping her eyes. arguing with me about going up our own mountain nearby. she couldn't do it. it was too steep and her shoes were ridiculous flats.

anywhoogle! that's a post in itself. gorgeous pics! i LOVE LOVE LOVE that trail! i'll have to google it and try it out when we're (hopefully) up there for thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a chance to recharge, get outside and have fun! Your pictures are pretty and remind me that I need to get outside for a run soon.

Mrs M said...

Awe it looks lovely honey. When we go out it's usually Woody (10) who jacks in half way, the girls have duracel batteries and just keep going!

Rachael said...

Hiking through the forest sounds marvelous. It's great what nature can do for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Some of my best ways to recharge are to be outdoors. I'm glad you got to go on the hike and enjoy nature. I'm also jealous. There's still too much snow here to hike in our mountains. Spring, where are you????