I’m wondering if I am receiving the backlash from Younger Boy’s Baby Envy. I believe it was three weeks ago that Jane told my fiancé that Younger Boy had Baby Envy and wanted to be held anytime that she picked up her baby. I can’t remember what else he may have exhibited, but it occurred to me that was also around the time that this horrid phase of his (needing permission to do things, needing attention all the time suddenly) started up out of no where.
The boys spent time with Jane this last Sunday and we were told that Younger Boy acted out in the restaurant they went to. He was yelling or something like that. At the time I kind of just rolled my eyes and muttered an “I dare him to try that with us” to my fiancé. But now with my new theory I see it as possibly Younger Boy trying to get attention from Jane.
This new theory occurred today at the doctor’s office. I’ve been having some issues with what feels like my blood sugar being all funky. Anyway, Younger Boy is generally really well behaved when we go out. I even let him bring along some of his toy trains. But this time he was blood-pressure rising, you’re lucky we’re not at home and that you’re father isn’t here misbehaving. He pulled out every attention getting gimmick he knows. He dropped his trains and repeated that he did over and over. He forced his faux coughs and sneezes. He even did his “I have to go potty” over and over, even though he didn’t have to go. He even dared try to throw a crying fit which was quickly ended and rethought with a really good glare from me.
If this had been the first time he’d ever been to an appointment with me, I’d possibly write it off as toddler boredom. But he’s been to quite a few appointments with me and he’s been oh so well behaved. Combined with his recent phases, I really think that it’s the “pay attention to me” thing going on. Since he’s three I really can’t get too much detail from him when I’ve tried to see if he’ll tell me anything.
Considering I’ve never raised kids with babies before I can’t really say that I’ve seen what this looks like. I have, however, been the older sister with a younger baby in the house. But from what I remember, she was always my baby and as we got older I, being Little Miss Bossy, ran the roost. My fiancé is the youngest of his siblings, but he didn’t’ have any babies underneath him. Much less neither of us have been children of divorce.
I’ve been wondering if her having a baby that gets to live with her while they don’t would start to play a factor. I also wonder when and if it’s going to click or matter to the older boys.
In the mean time, do any of you have experience with this and or advice on how to handle it? I’ve started a behavior modification chart with Younger Boy since the potty training chart worked so well. But it’s more geared to him eating his meals and being nice to his brothers. I didn’t want to load up on trying to fix too many behaviors at once.
Trust me when I say that my patience is on thin ice. I've been ignoring, ignoring and ignoring. But oh my gosh am I ever so tired of it at this point. There has to be something that will work, right?
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5 years ago
i got nuthin'. i got wine, and vodka, and club soda, and limes. i got tunes and a good patio.
come over. bring the kid, even. i have bungee cords :D
Time...he just needs consistency from you. I am sure that Jane doe snot give him the attention that she once did and now he needs to feel secure. Of course, he is also just hitting that phase of testing his independence...mine is in that phase too. It does pass but you need to be firm and loving at the same time.
Oh - I nominated you for a blog award today! Check my site for the details.
I agree with fullofboys. Maybe you could read him a few books dealing with siblings and new babies. While he might not be the baby at his mom's house, he still is at yours (at least for the time being)!
I am older than my youngest sibling by 12 years. When he was born I was not jealous. I thought he was so cute! Plus I had my own adolescent worries at that age!
I think the others commenting have given you some good advice. Also, you might try verbally noticing every "good" thing he does and a few one-on-one dates with dad might help. I think you are right in your theory.
Yo - We chatted :)
FullOfBoys - Aye, that wonderful phase. Ha ha, I guess I had better get used to them. I wish Jane gave all of the boys the attention they deserve instead of just now and then. The TV is her favorite babysitter. But "firm and loving" is going to be my motto for dealing with this. It will help me get through my frustrations too.
Morocco - Thank you for the advice about reading him books. I totally should have thought about that as my mom bought me all kinds of books like that when I was younger. Also, good point about how he's the baby at our house (for now :p) and not the baby at Jane's. I guess we've been so busy working with him on being "a big boy" that we didn't make the connection.
Kweenmama - Also, thank you for the advice. I've been trying really hard to notice the good things when he does them. I'll have to try and find some ways to beef it up so that it stands out. I don't know if "Good Job! and a high five" is enough at this point.
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