I don’t think that I enjoy Sunday’s anymore. The kids always pick Sunday night as the night to get sick. By “get sick” I mean to puke all night long, all over the place. And Monday morning hurts after a night of kids puking. If I’m not up helping to clean it up, I’m sleeping restlessly with an open ear to hear the “I’m about to puke” cough.
Younger Boy and Older Boy are both sick.
It started last night around 10-something in the PM while driving home from my parents house. My parents babysat the boys so that my fiancé and I could go out to dinner with an old friend from back in the day. Older Boy was complaining that his stomach hurt and that he felt sick. We weren’t quite sure what it was, but we were driving home. That’s when I heard that lovely “getting sick” cough. I turned around and there’s Younger Boy puking in his lap. We rolled the windows down and luckily we were near a gas station.
Unluckily the bathrooms were blocked off and out of order. Unluckily, we’d accidentally left the extra pair of Younger Boy’s clothes at my parents (he was in his pajamas). Unluckily that gas station sucked and didn’t carry hand wipes or anything useful for cleaning up and airing out the puke smell from the car. Luckily for us Younger Boy’s puking expedition was limited to his lap and his car seat.
We got home and Younger Boy got a shower. We tucked them all in, I gave my spiel about how ‘If you have to puke do it in this little garbage can here and come get us. And if you hear Younger Boy puking come get us.” I went into the bathroom to take my contacts out and washed my eye make up off. I came out to find Older Boy with his head in the trashcan (out in the kitchen) and was met by Middle Boy who informed me that Younger Boy had puked again.
We had another round of cleaning and everyone was off to bed. At this point I kind of chuckled to myself. My supervisor had told me “Kids puke all the time” as we were writing up my new job description before I left. I had taken that with a grain of salt, but considering all the puke I’ve been cleaning up the past week I’m wondering if there’s actual validity to it or if she jinxed/cursed me with her guarantee. Either way, I’m up to my elbows in puke today. Even better was when Fat Cat decided that she ought to puke too. Luckily I stopped her from jumping onto the carpet and made her puke on top of the table. At least table tops can be wiped up and then wiped down with Clorox Anywhere.
This morning I found Older Boy sitting on the couch. Just sitting there.
Me: You need to get back into bed.
OB: I threw up
Me: What do you mean you threw up? Where?
OB: I threw up on my bed
Me: You threw up on your bed and you decided to just sit on the couch and not tell us?
OB: *shrugs shoulders*
Me: Did you get any of it in the garbage can next to your bed?
OB: No
Me: What did we tell you last night? Do you remember?
OB: *Shakes head yes, in that confused diagonal yes but maybe no*
Me: What did we tell you last night?
OB: *stares at me like a deer caught in the headlights*
Me: You said you remembered. What did we tell you last night?
OB: To come get you if I puked.
I could not believe it. After the reminder of last night he managed to do nada of it. He threw up next to the garbage can, and the best is that he just went out to the living room and sat on the couch allowing the smell of puke to fill the room and sink into the bedsheets. Luckily I had cracked the window to air it out last night. The boy is almost nine years old and sometimes he acts like he's the least responsible of all of them. I understand that he's never been challenged to be independent before or to hold himself accountable, but in the last six/seven months that I've been here he's learned quite a bit that he now is.
He cleaned it up (was told that he had to clean it up). And after I gave him a good example of how to clean it up right he finished it up a lot sooner. He then was sent back to bed to sleep some more. He was not pleased, but neither were my future hubby and I.
Luckily for me, my fiancé is on vacation so he’s helping to take care of Middle Boy (who isn’t sick anymore). Older Boy and Younger Boy have been instructed to sleep and take it easy all day. I’m hoping and crossing my fingers that whatever they have is somewhat related to what Middle Boy suffered from last week. If so, then that means that they’ll be up and bouncing back to normal by tomorrow (after a day of soup and rest). If not then I’m not sure what we’ll do.
Older Boy’s birthday party is supposed to happen tomorrow. We’re supposed to leave for vacation Thursday. Our Engagement Photoshoot and Family Photoshoot are Sunday down in So Cal. (Sidenote – Younger Boy’s nose actually looks pretty decent and if there is redness I’m sure I can find a foundation to cover it with. I’ve already told my fiancé that the boy is getting make up on him.)
Welcome to Motherhood Crys! Just another one of those initiation rights of passage I guess. Right?
So that’s my Monday. (Can I have a glass of wine yet?) Happy Monday everyone! Hopefully yours is full of less puke than mine.
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5 years ago
Oh lordy, as we used to say during Hee Haw, this sounds like hey-ell. But I can definitely relate to the episode of "what did I tell you last night!??" followed by a complete guess. It's like they lose brain cells during sleep. Or maybe they were already asleep but had their eyes opened when you said whatever it was you said to them the night before.
Oh, hey-ell.
What an awful way to be intitiated into motherhood! Ick! I've never even experienced that with my own kids. They are usually sick one at a time. I've never had more than one puking at a time. I feel for you! Good luck!
Ugh, those are the moments I'm not looking forward to. Thanks for the dose in birth control. I hope they are start feeling better soon, and stay better. I hope your trip and all that's involved turn out wonderful. Good luck, Sweetie.
My eat-so-fast-they-puke cats give me lots of practice cleaning up puke. Hope the boys are feeling better, or at least hitting the trash can!
I'm laughing with you, and while wine may not be the Monday Morning Breakfast of Champions, there is NO harm in a mimosa.
If it makes you feel better, this too, will be over before you know it and you'll be wishing they were home puking rather then behind the wheel.
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