Do you remember Younger Boy’s Toilet Bowl Water Games from last month? Well, I have an addition. It seems to me that the majority of my grand adventures with Younger Boy thus far have revolved around the toilet.
Today I was walking from the kitchen to the work desk when I noticed Younger Boy crouched down in front of the toilet … wiping the toilet bowl down with the very same towel I informed him last time was used only for wiping your hands after you wash them.
*smacks head on wall*
As soon as he saw me looking at him in horror he popped up fast and went to go replace the now (or for all I know already) soiled towel back on the towel rack.
*smacks head on wall again*
I have no idea what he was wiping. Considering it was the front of the toilet I can only imagine he was trying to clean up the sprinkles of urine boys oh so often leave on the sides of the toilet bowl.
I managed to stop him before he replaced it. I informed him again that the towel that hangs there is only for wet hands. I have since Lysol wiped down the towel rack, the toilet bowl and everything little dirty hands can touch in the bathroom.
I’ve also made sure to replace a towel that hangs up high on the back of the door for myself (and FH if he so pleases) to use. The problem with this is that sometimes that towel somehow ends up on the towel rack next to the other towels and I have to remind myself to replace it.
I remind myself that my potty training days are not over just yet.
Baby Update: I’m 24 weeks today. Things are still going really well with my pregnancy. I’ve been making sure to do some Wii Fit Plus and Just Dance so that I can get some form of exercise in there. I’ve also started to feel the baby kick more often. It’s the strangest feeling I’ve ever felt. It reminds me of the scene in Aliens when the alien pops out of the stomach. I’m waiting for the baby’s kicks to become hard enough that others can feel them. Because with that said, I’m secretly waiting for the day that Nasty Cat is sitting on my lap, curled up next to my stomach, and for the baby to say hi with a little nudge. I’ve been amused with Nasty Cat’s reactions to me being pregnant. He’s not happy that my lap space is growing smaller and he has to wait for me to lie down to get any room. He’s also given me some strange and concerned looks when I’m reading out loud from one of my kid books and it’s just me and Nasty Cat in the room. Just wait until she’s born Nasty Cat. He he.
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5 years ago
I know how you feel! I keep a box of baby wipes next to all the toilets. I taught my SS early on that he was to use ONLY the baby wipes to wipe up his pee, and then to throw them in the trash. even though they say they are flushable wipes, they aren't! Don't be fooled! SS flushed one, and it ended up sending sewage up through the shower the morning we were leaving for vacation.
Your other option is a roll of paper towels in the bathroom. That way you know it is clean, and doesn't have pee on it.
On the birght side, at least he is cleaning up after himself!
Ick, ick, ick. Boys.
Just an idea...they make these new hand towels that are disposable they come in what basically looks like a giant kleenex box. I think the small added expense may be worth your sanity and not having to wonder if the towel you're using has also been used to mop up little guy pee : )
Another reason to be happy ur having a girl.
lol Wow. So much to look forward to.
This is exactly why I've decided that someday I HAVE to have my own bathroom (a girl can dream). I'm certainly not the one who misses the toilet bowl yet I seem to be the one to always clean it up. Maybe I should be happy they aren't trying to clean up with our hand towels. :)
Oh man, that is so funny, I'm sorry! I'm glad to have stepped into the step life AFTER potty training :) Congrats on your healthy pregnancy, by the way. Sounds like you're getting good practice for the new baby!
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