Dept: Cats
From: Crys
Subject: Summer Vacation Again
Nasty Cat, I think it is time that I inform you that until all of the children are grown, out of high school and off to college or to live the rest of their lives that both you and I will have to suck it up for three months out of the year for this horrendous time period called Summer Vacation. Unfortunately for you and me the boys’ school is not year round – With this being said, welcome to Day 3 of summer vacation 2010.
Trust me when I say that the extra hours of whining and crying and yelling and playing are no comfort to my ears either. My excuse, at least, is that I’m working a full time job and actually having to concentrate is a bit troublesome when my focus is ripped in half by a wail of “I’m telling!” or “I Don't want to play with you!” I’m still, however, trying to fully understand what your excuse is.
You do nothing productive around this house on a daily basis. I’m aware that your nap times have been interrupted. And in Cat Land I have come to understand that not only is this a crime, but pure cruelty and unacceptable behavior. Perhaps you should try to do something with yourself to get through the day. I’ve heard fly catching is a wonderful sport and snack. I know you may not want to hear this but Fat Cat highly enjoys fly catching, and we definitely do not have a shortage of flies.
I also have a problem with your irritation with me. I’m sorry I did not consult you about the packaged deal when I first started dating FH. If it helps, I myself was not fully informed of what life would be handing me. However, I’ve managed to survive about a year and 9 months of it. If I can survive it then surely you can survive it too. Besides, I think you enjoy having some of the extra hands to pet you. I can also say I truly believe you enjoy having a bunk bed and a lofted bed in the home. [Please note Photo A]
I’m also aware that perhaps the fact that my stomach is growing bigger each week may not leave you the desired amount of space on my lap, and that you’re no longer allowed to knead and lay on my stomach. To this I say “Get over it.” My growing stomach is the least of your troubles. In a couple of months we’ll have a crying baby on our hands. This will be the next big challenge you and I will face together for the first time.
In closing – I will hand you the same advice I lent you last year. Suck it up and enjoy the time as it is before our little blossom of a baby arrives. You may even enjoy the boys more when the time comes.
Kind Regards,
Crys, House Co-Director
Photo A - I personally have snapped a photo of you enjoying Older Boys lofted bed where you can sleep in a high up place and not be disturbed because no one knows you're there unless we climb the ladder to look for you.
haha, I remember my cat use to have this "Have you lost your mind, Human?" look she would give us if we dare try to relocate her or not do as she expected.
Poor kitty. I just kept my 11 month old grand baby for 2 weeks. Our 2 cats hid in the kids bedrooms for that amount of time.
Does that surprise you at all? LOL Me either
We don't have a cat, but somehow I think our dog would react the same way. :-)
Nasty Cat, she is in direct violation of Feline Statutes 1.1 through 1.3, which clearly outline how the household is to be run for the exclusive comfort of the cat!
I will have my cats get with you about the support group they started for cats of people who violate the rules :)
Funny! Thanks for the smile:)
Crys- my dear sweet high maintenance cat turned into another cat altogether when I was pregnant. It's like they know they have just lost their place in the food chain around there before the baby ever gets home.
I will say this- once the baby did come, whenever she cried, Allie Cat would immediately rush to her crib and "cry" with her until we got there. Very cute. And annoying. Good luck!
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