Remember the great lengths Jane went to with the lies and manipulation attempts to make sure the boys were with her for Christmas (all day) for her aunt who has leukemia but has currently been in remission for the past year?
Well, we asked her which days she would like the boys over their winter break. You know, since they’re not in school for two weeks. She didn’t want them any extra days outside of her once-a-week day with them.
So despite the fact that the boys are available for days of overnight visiting – they’re going to see her 7pm Sunday night until 8pm Monday night both weeks of their winter break … with the exception of Christmas Eve evening to the morning of that following Saturday.
I guess all day Christmas Day kind of evens it out. But I’m not going to lie. My irritation this time has some selfish fueling in wanting to have some quiet work days without three children doing the children things they do. Trust me when I say it’s much easier to do my job when there isn’t fighting and arguing and crying occurring. But, considering I survived summer vacation I guess I can make it through winter break especially since they’re both short work weeks.
When FH told me she didn’t want any extra days with them I could have gotten all angry and frustrated. But no, I merely wrinkled my nose in slight disgust. I touched upon how interesting it was that she was all hot heated because she wasn’t getting her 40% of the time and here she was not even trying to get them any of the extra days when there wasn’t someone else benefiting from the boys presence (her aunt for Christmas and her son for the birthday party) and dismissed it with a “Whatever. Her loss.”
That’s big progress on my end on keeping my anger and frustration under control ... in my opinion.
I hope you all have a fun and happy holiday season with your families!
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5 years ago
Here's hoping that the boys get along well while you're trying to work and that y'all have a very Merry Christmas!
Good for you for realizing that Jane is the one losing out by refusing to have a real relationship with the boys.
At least you didn't let it get to you. And you are right, it is HER loss. Hopefully the boys will be to busy playing with their new toys to fight.
Maybe you can con them into being good while you work. Tell them if they don't fight or bother you while you are working (except emergencies) they get a special surprise....
Good for you. There is no use getting bent out of shape over something you can't control. Just make the best of things. I'm sure you'll come up with some fun things to keep the kids busy :)
Merry Christmas!
Yep yep yep. I am in the same situation as you, except I have my own kids too. The BM in my situation is probably not going to spend her Christmas time with the boys because "it's supposed to snow this weekend."
Have Dad pick up some slack so you get a little time to yourself too. Nothing wrong with that! Merry Christmas!
From a fellow flu-sufferer: I recommend lots of cable tv and couch time.
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