I absolutely adore my boyfriend’s family. It’s funny, since we dated in 7th grade I had some sort of view of them. I played softball on a team against the one that one of his sisters was on and his dad coached. I also was fairly intimidated by his mom who was on the same side as mine when it came to our first date to the movie theater. They very much insisted that we go on a group activity instead of just us two on a date. (Which I understand now, but as a 7th grade girl it was rather inconvenient to go and find friends that could go that I didn’t mind tagging along.) Then I moved and there is was a big gap, and now I have a completely different perspective of them.
We have family dinners with his two sisters and their families often. And I’ll talk to his mom on the phone now and then. And his dad and I are the only ones in the family that drink coffee… needless to say, I love being a part of his family now.
The thing though is that I feel a pressure whenever I’m with them. I don’t necessarily think that they’re trying to put it on me. I truly think that this pressure is self applied, but the fact is that I feel it. As said in a past post (The Vodka On Top Of The Fridge) I feel like such an outsider because of how I’ve lived my life and how they’ve lived theirs, but I feel this pressure that I have to prove that I’m fit to be a good parent, that I am a good parent to the boys to them. This pressure to prove that I’m fit to be a future good wife, that I am a good partner to their brother. I feel like they’re putting me side-by-side with Jane and comparing us, and damn, of all the people you’re going to compare me to, I really dislike, with a fierce passion, being compared to her.
I don’t usually ask details of life before me (unless its something that I need background info on, like how have you guys done “this” or “that” before). But his family throws them out now and then. Usually it’s starts with praise for me (usually from his mother) or a comment about how much better, how well, or how good the way things are run/handled concerning the boys are now. Then it's followed with some detail about how she did it (and it always disappoints me to hear how not great or selfish she is.) And trust me, it is so nice to get the pat on the back, but that being compared to Jane thing again … it just feels so slimy and uncomfortable.
It’s just I feel spotlighted sometimes, that now that I’ve been acknowledged that I’m doing so well, or so much better than Jane ever did, that I have to make sure that I don’t mess up, that I don’t slip. (It must be that hidden need to be perfect and the best at everything I do. Damn that impulse! That will be a future post.)
Am I making sense here? I’m not sure if I am, but it’s one of those icky and weird feelings that I feel that I don’t think I’ve quite figured completely out yet. Much less one I don’t know will ever go away, but there’s got to be a way to deal with it … To thin out the thickness of it.
I feel like the student that is being pressured by his parents to get straight A’s. Except their not saying “You had better be a good mom/partner or else…” I feel like my actions and how I deal with things, and the things I tell them are looked at and being compared (possibly) to what/how Jane used to do it. And I’m pretty sure I already mentioned this but I sure as hell don’t like being compared to Jane by anyone (although I know that really there is no way around it.)
As I said, it’s self applied, but I hate the feeling of it. And it’s just yet, another challenge (of self-imposed ickyness) that I need to work on balancing out.
But, I don’t let this stop me from hanging out with them and having a good time.
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5 years ago
You just described a feeling I have all the time, but I feel like that by my ex and his family. Even though they are the kings and queens of dysfunction! Not sure who I'm being compared to though...
I am fairly new to your blog and amazed by your story.
Thank you for sharing.
In this particular post you mention something that I think a lot of us have felt at one point or another, though your history throws a cruve ball.
While I can imagine that you feel judged, keep in mind and look at you, and your actions from an outsider's point of view.
You're amazing.
Crys - I too have known this feeling well. I'm sure with time and as your confidence grows you won't put so much pressure on yourself. I would hazard a guess that you are not being compared to Jane att all, but rather DP's family are just so chuffed by you and your actions they can't help but mention it at every opportunity. Take the compliments for what they are & store them to recall when you are having those 'not so good days'.
At least you are being compared in a favorable way, and not being told that Jane did it better.
If it bothers you, would it cause feelings if you told them not to bring the issues up because it makes you feel uncomfortable?
I think we all feel a little self-conscious when we are compared to others, even if in a good way, because it means people are noticing us. I know the words of others can't really help ease the stress we go through in living up to our own standards, but I think if you slip up somewhere along the way (because we all do... it's bound to happen) your heart is in the right place. If his family is a decent group of people (which it sounds like they are) they are bound to be forgiving of you. :)
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