1. When I am tired and stressed my eye twitches. When I get super stressed my right cheek muscle twitches. (Learned Thursday – the first official day of the boys’ summer vacation.)
2. I’m going to have to just continue to do the thinking for Jane since she obviously has no will to do any thinking. (Learned Saturday – After my fiancé told me that Jane wanted to know if she could have each of the boys for one week during the summer.
Issues I have here are:
a) With swimming lessons and martial arts the older boys really can’t spend a whole week with her without missing a lesson and I’ll be damned to pay money for them to have extra-curricular activities if they’re not going to participate. And I know that she sure as hell isn’t going to put any effort in bringing each of them to said session time.
b) Is she really going to attempt to take three weeks off of work? Because the last time I checked she and her man were barely making it funding wise because they each missed so much work. Sorry, but Wal-Mart just doesn’t give you money if you don’t go to work. I work full time and I don’t even have three weeks vacation time that I can take off of work.
c) Again, was she really going to try to get three weeks off of work? And if she just wanted them there for the full week was she actually planning on not playing her online virtual games so that she could actually spend some quality time? I again will be damned if I allowed any of them to go to her house to sit and watch TV and play video games for a week straight.
I looked at our calendar and assigned three possible times that worked with the boys' summer activities so that she can let us know if she has a preference for which boy she’d like and when. My fiancé has left a message with these times as well as letting her know that she can have each boy Thursday thru Sunday. Considering two of those days are her days off she’ll only have to figure out what she’ll be doing about work for Saturday and Sunday. If she doesn’t take those off I can only assume that her man will be watching them. And if that is the case then I also assume more TV and video games. My fiancé said that Jane never was one to think things through … I guess lucky for her I have a fully functioning brain and I understand how to use it logically when it comes to planning things.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased that she’s actually shown interest in wanting to spend time with the boys. What I’m absolutely confuddled about is the fact that she just didn’t put much thought into it after the initial though. She doesn’t seem to think about all the details involved after she has come up with a plan, and the details are actually kind of important to her life and the boys' lives. And I wish she would just take some time to communicate or discuss these things. She has yet to call back. I'm really tired of her just waiting until Thursday to get any input from her.
3. I love the hobby shop that I found. (Learned Monday – When the boys were able to amuse themselves for a huge chunk of time and I was able to work with some peace and keep my sanity.)
It sells affordable boxes of experiments, affordable workbooks for the older boys so they can practice their math skills and work on their handwriting over the summer, and they sell educational activities that are also affordable. Notice the keyword is “affordable.”
4. Making a summer schedule for all three boys actually works! (Learned today – It worked so well yesterday keeping the boys busy and is helping again today keeping chaos and boredom to a minimum.)
It does need to be taken into consideration and flowed with day by day (like if a worksheet takes longer to do than the allotted time) but it works. See my latest grand idea below:
5. I still love Clorox disinfectant wipes. (Learned today – I did a huge wipe down on all furniture that had little hands on it.)
They’re great for wiping down all and any surfaces that children may touch. Especially for wiping down after Younger Boy who is in the stage that he has to be asked “Did you was your hands….with soap?”
6. I’m apparently really paranoid about children and their germs. (Learned today – as I realized that I wiped down the bunk beds and drawer handles in the boys room.)
I insist on getting each child his own small little cup of Jamba Juice, I have my own water bottles that no one is allowed to share with, and look at number 5 again. I found myself wiping down things a little more often than normally. I wonder if it’s because they’re around the house more often in a day now that I’m more aware that there just might be more germs around.
confuddled! HA! you made me giggle :)
The schedule is pretty impressive...anal maybe, but impressive none the less ;)
Here's hoping for a great summer!
wow, the boys have a busy schedule this summer. I prefer a less structured approach, but that's me. Maybe you can shake things up with some fun outings?
Good luck controlling the boys' activities during jane's parenting time. I hope it works out best for all involved.
I wish I could be less structured, but working a full time job from home isn't easy when they're sitting there trying to ask me questions about everything from how do they make ranch dressing to what is the biggest bird alive. This is the second day so far and they've really taken to the schedule and its working! If anything it's preventing a lot of the "I'm bored" that I saw on Thursday and Friday and giving them some ideas of what they can do. And yes, I'm hoping to plan some outings to the park for a picnic, but again, working full time from home isn't easy when work is big brother and not only can see what you're doing on your desktop but you have an instant communicator and need to be able to answer to any messages during my 8-hour block.
I can't stand it when people don't take care of themselves and plan ahead. At least for things like kids and taking care of them and such.
Good for you for getting a summer schedule together!
Sounds like you have it all under control!
Sounds like you've kicked summer vacation in the tail.
I give you a lot of credit, it's got to be hard to be working full time and still manage all the boys.
Great job, even if it is a little anal. LOL.
Ha ha, I call it ridiculously organized. I used to get a giant calendar and color code the different project/article deadlines for the different websites/titles I helped manage. And just an FYI, I by far do not follow it the schedule to a T .. pending on if worksheets take longer, I decide to let them play free time longer if I can tell if they're really having a good time, or I just kind of like the peace and quiet and let them sleep in a bit later. :)
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