Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby Update

The Baby Update is that I'm still pregnant and am at 41 weeks today. Saying I'm uncomfortable is a bit of an understatement, but I'm trooping through it. I had a doctor's appointment and a stress test done yesterday to check on how the baby is doing. The good news is that the baby is doing fine. In fact, she was so active that we had to wait longer so the nurse could get the numbers she needed to let us go. The baby either kept moving away from the monitor or she's kick it off and we'd need to readjust. I have a feeling I'll have a handful of little sass on my hands.

The other good news is that I'm at least starting to open up. Last week my cervix was still closed up, but I'm about at 1 cm now so that's at least progress. Keep us in your thoughts and send us some labor-ific vibes. My friend put it fabulously as imagining the old Mervyn's commercials where the ladies are standing outside the doors saying 'Open! Open! Open!'

I'll keep you all updated!


perdido said...

Although I didn't make it full term, I was miserable enough just to 39 weeks so I feel your pain!!

Dana Thompson said...

Sending labor vibes your way! I'm only 34 weeks and I can't wait for it to be over, so I can imagine what you must be going through. My due date is 1 week before thanksgiving and I think I'll be devastated if I don't have my own little butterball in my arms then.

Are you just avoiding induction or will your doc not do it?

Crys said...

He said that they won't induce until the mom is at least 2 weeks past the due date. They like to allow labor to occur naturally. I'm currently counting contraction times though so hopefully this is the real deal!

Anonymous said...

She'll come in her own time. glad your doc isn't inducing before post-full term. Heard one too many horror stories from the states about the state of birthingthere

@traciAWESOME said...

All good thougths your way!!

Anonymous said...

Now that it is Saturday...and you wrote this post on Wednesday...I'm hoping the blessed event has happened!

Smirking Cat said...

"Handful of little sass"... I like that!

I hope you and your family are doing well right now.