I’m still trying to grasp it although seeing the ultrasound made it more real for me. I’m a mix of emotions. I’m excited, and terrified, and flat out amazed. I’m also hating on the first trimester. Morning sickness blows, and if I don’t eat something small every 30-40 minutes I feel nauseous.
I’m also exhausted. As excited as I am, I really was looking forward to some downtime between the wedding and getting to be a wife. It still seems weird calling FH my husband in casual conversation. It sounds almost unbelievable telling everyone that I’m pregnant. It was quite a surprise that not even a week after the wedding I’m peeing on a stick that is telling me I’m pregnant. Not just pregnant, but six or so weeks pregnant.
But that is life, and we’re going to open our next chapter with open arms.
If anything the boys are very, very excited. I’m not sure how involved they got to be in Jane’s last pregnancy. But we’ve been having them take part in helping me out now. I’m glad that they’re as excited as they are. It’s helping me adjust to it all much easier.
Older Boy has taken on the duty of litter box patrol. It’s been great because he hasn’t complained about it and he does it every night as if he’s been doing it for years.
Younger Boy and Middle Boy actually got to be there for the first ultra sound. We made sure there was a heart beat before we brought them and FH in, but they were really excited and fascinated by the experience. We’re hoping that Older Boy will be able to accompany us one of these times once summer comes.
So here he or she is!

Congratulations (and lots of happy tears)
Congrats - I hope you get a girl this time.
OMGosh!! I'm so excited for you!!!
Congrats! How very, very exciting! I'm so excited to see how things progress. :-)
shut UP!!!! SHUT UP!!! OMG!!
i'm so excited!!! really really??!!! SO STOKED!!!
calming down now.
Congratulations! What a wonderful announcement! I am so glad to hear they boys are excited for the new baby. I hope Jane doesn't give you guys any trouble.
Woo hoo! Finally a public announcement! I'm so excited for you. (And I hope it's a girl, too.)
Yay! That's so exciting! :)
That's Wonderful!
Congratulations to you all
How amazing! Congratulations. My stepkids have asked me more than once if I'm ever going to have a baby :) I guess that is a hint to get crackin', ha ha.
I am so very happy for you. Congratulations and I hope things settle down a bit when you reach the 2nd trimester - there is always hope!!
I was just playing catch up on all my favorites, and this one nearly knocked me on the floor.
Congratulations to your family!!! I'm wishing you all the best.
Congrats! That is so exciting.
I also hated morning sickness...with a passion.
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