First off, This is my 100 post.Woo Hoo! Go me!
And on to the rest of it ....
I feel like I have been apologizing so much for my lack of posting. Although I promise I have at least lurked. For those of you that are my friends on Facebook, you know that I’ve been moving. For those of you that aren’t my friends on Facebook, I’ve been moving.
Have I ever told you how much I dislike moving? I hate packing. I hate unpacking even more. In my 28 years of life I have now moved 20 times. And that is no exaggeration; I literally just sat down here and counted it out. And we’re not yet done.
We still have a bunch of junk left at the old place. We still need to unpack a bunch of junk at the new place. And there are all these little things in between that are just not fun.
Anyway, I’ll share three things with you here. There’s the Not Horrid, The Good, and The Amazing.
The Not Horrid - Jane Cancelled
Today was supposed to be the first of her days that Jane is supposed to drive and meet us halfway at Jolie’s. Well, she called in sick. Is she really sick? She had damn better be sick because I had plans to try my best to finish packing up and cleaning out the old apartment that we had to put on hold because we have the kids. But still, it is not the worst thing that could have happened. We got to have a tasty dinner of carne asadas, garlic fries and green beans instead of the Kent*ky Grilled Chicken we were planning on having. And we didn't have to disappoint the boys because they weren't aware that they were going to see her. It's still a pain in the butt, but not telling them when they're supposed to be seeing her has been so great for the times she's had to cancel. Is that going to kick us in the butt at some point, I have no idea. But we have the signed calendars for each visiting period, I make notes when she cancels and why, and we seriously do try our best to accomodate and plan around her sketchy schedule.
The Good - I can see!
I went to my last eye appointment and my vision is pretty good. Not quite cleared totally, but with the continued lubrication of my eyes daily it should get there sooner than later. So I don’t need to make another follow up appointment in two to three weeks. I’m seriously ecstatic. That’s $20 I don’t have to make sure is in my bank account.
The Amazing - A Spot for "Stepmother"
Older Boy and Middle Boy start school this upcoming Monday. That’s not the amazing part though. My fiancĂ© brought home the paperwork to get them registered and on that paper work it asked:
Who does the child live with:
Name (Father/Stepfather/Guardian)
Name (Mother/Stepmother/Guardian)
Did I ever mention to you all the hassle we had to deal with in trying to get my name on the forms at the old school? How many times something happened at school and FH and I didn’t hear about it until the next day because the school called Jolie instead of me? The game of phone tag where the school called Jolie, Jolie called FH and then FH called me? Oh yeah, it was spectacular.
I’m so excited that I get to be included in this … much less of how directly I can be contacted now if something happens at school. Who am I kidding? I was so darn excited that there was a spot on that form for a Stepmother.
And just to end it here is a kid funny:
YB: I get to go to preschool!
OB: Middle Boy, what did you learn in preschool?
MB: I don’t know. Not to throw sand in the air at the other kid.
Awwww! Bless them for providing me with such entertainment. Holding in the giggles was rather painful with my sore muscles from moving, but oh it was oh so funny!
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5 years ago
That sounds like a very valuable life lesson your MB learned there!
NOT throwing sand in the air at the other boy is a key life skill.
LBM xxxx
I love that - not throwing sand. That's priceless.
BM has frequently canceled on us too. Usually at the last minute. I would keep the kids unaware of the visits if I could. BM had a bad habit of calling a few days before her visit and getting the kids all excited about seeing her. That's when it got hard, because I couldn't lie to the kids.
Good luck with your move. Post when you can!
I think seeing a spot for Stepmother on any form would make my day/week/month/possibly year!
I also loath moving! and swear that we will not do it again until all the kids are gone and we're moving into our nice little retirement home on the lake!
I hate moving so much too. You have me beat though. I've only moved 18 times in my 28 years. Also with many more planned moves in the future. I wish I could come help you clean or something! Good luck with it all and i hope you finish it all up soon and can get settled in your new place.
Good luck with your unpacking. I hate moving too. Glad things are going well lately. And happy 100th post! :)
I'm with you, I hate moving. Good luck with all of it. I can understand your frustration about the cancellation. That has happened to us a lot. It's hard to have to cancel plans because SOMEONE else is being a flake. Hopefully she's telling the truth this time.
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